bella kotak

The Peacock & The Crane...

The Peacock & The Crane...

Hello friends! It’s been a while, I’m super excited to share with you a very special shoot that I created at the end of last year with lovely Yinsey and Annette. As many of you know it had been a tough summer, I’d broken my ankle right in the very beginning of it, literally 10 weeks prior to this ! After weeks of bedrest I was CRAVING to create and I think that feeling was certainly reflected in the opulence of this shoot!

Shooting for Birmingham Royal Ballet 2019/2020

Shooting for Birmingham Royal Ballet 2019/2020

Last year I was kindly invited once again by the Birmingham Royal Ballet company to photograph the imagery for their upcoming 2019/ 2020 program. The three ballets I got to create for were - Swan Lake, Giselle, and Don Quixote.

It was an absolute pleasure working with the BRB team again and to work with a company that celebrates diversity. Thank you BRB team for inspiring us all!

On Representation & Diversity...

On Representation & Diversity...

Recently, the loud conversations on race have shined a light on our society’s unequal treatment of BIPOC and POC , damaging policies, prejudiced judgments, and a deeply-embedded systemic racism. Despite their existence on a global scale, sometimes society fails in acknowledging, let alone confronting, this unjust state of affairs. .

Recognizing these issues has inspired me to listen to voices aside from my own, to learn things I never knew, to actively support others whenever I can, and to truly recognise my privilege and ask myself, “how I can be an ally for a better world?”

The Enchanted Garden...

The Enchanted Garden...

This is a little story about two sisters who discovered a curious looking chest in their old house. The older girl excitedly convinces her little sister that they should open it and see what wonders lay inside!

Golden Flower...

Golden Flower...

A couple of years ago, while wandering through Pinterest I came across the beautiful goddess paintings of chinese artist, Zeng Hao Dun Huang. Drawn to the beauty, personality, and evocative flow that he captured in his subjects, I’ve wanted to create a piece of work inspired by the feeling that his pieces evoked in me.

The headpiece we used here is by Ivy Design and from the moment I received it I knew this picture had to come to life! ….

From you the flowers grow...

From you the flowers grow...

One morning while out location scouting deep in the woods I came across a strange and striking sight.

A fallen tree, its bare limbs spread out almost as though searching for a subject to embrace. The bizarre architecture of it sparked my imagination and a seed of idea began to grow….

The Greatest Rhapsody...

The Greatest Rhapsody...

On this day I had the pleasure of working with Emma Cargill. I came across Emma on Instagram and really liked her vibe. I reached out to her and this was our first shoot together. It’s always important to me that I connect with my model as it’s this connection that leads to something precious being born from our shared collaboration…

The sun dances and the moon kisses...

The sun dances and the moon kisses...

This shoot follows from my previous blogpost, we pick up this story soon after that.

We’re still in the Secret Garden and the sun’s about to set. There’s a chill in the air and I find myself itching to capture something as the light shifts from warm yellows to cool twilight blues. It’s my favourite time of day…

The Secret Garden...

The Secret Garden...

Last year I had the most incredible opportunity presented to me. SmugMug, a company that I’m a huge fan of and one that I’ve been supported by since almost the beginning of my journey asked me if they could make a film about me where I give an insight into my craft, from inspiration to approaching and executing a shoot.

This is something I’ve never really done. Sure I’ve made some behind the scenes videos but I’ve never really shared where the art comes from and what drives it still. So of course I said yes! …

The Creative Experience - Dubai 2019

The Creative Experience - Dubai 2019

Exactly one month ago I created this picture at The Creative Experience where Pratik and I, along with our good friends Andrea and Amanda Belluso, and Viktor Anderson hosted an incredible 5 days full of photography, creativity and business conversations, and self empowerment. Yes it was awesome and I’ll go into what the Creative Experience was about later in this post but let’s take a moment to talk about this picture. It’s one of my favourites as it’s created outside of my comfort zone. Exactly where you want to be as an artist :) …

Creating 'Eden'

Creating 'Eden'

Living in England the beauty of unfurling life in March is a striking thing. Warm breezes carrying with it sweet scents of new life. With each image I want to share my love of life, spring, and nature with you.

As I was on a walk with P a few days ago, we passed a patch of wild flowers that I'd created in last year. How a year has past since then is beyond me! So much has happened, so much to catch up on... so, here's me making a small start…

Bella Kotak + transFORM Gallery NYC - Opening Night

Bella Kotak + transFORM Gallery NYC - Opening Night

It was the cold wind that hit me first as I walk out of JFK airport. An 8 hour flight flew by with 4 movies and a bag of popcorn. It wasn't my first time to the city, I'd been here a few months ago and the cold chill was a familiar one...