Adventures in Kenya : Part III - Mombasa & Lamu

Adventures in Kenya : Part III - Mombasa & Lamu

After our safari adventures we headed down to the coast, to my home town, Mombasa. Here K and I had access to a car and fill our days with friends and mini roadtrips along the coast. I would drive down streets familiar to me and along the way share stories of my childhood...

Chefchaouen's Blue Hues - Morocco Part V

Chefchaouen's Blue Hues - Morocco Part V

One of the places I was particularly looking forward to visit was a beautiful town known as Chefchaouen. I came across it through Instagram earlier in the year and since we were already talking about visiting Morocco I knew that somehow we would find a way to visit it! 

Camel Treks & Glamping - Morocco Part IV

Camel Treks & Glamping - Morocco Part IV

Now this is where the real highlight of my year happened! Out in the desert, warm fine sand sinking softly under my bare feet and nothing but blue skies and bright sun above, suffice to say, life felt pretty perfect. Walking high on softly rolling dunes was a dream (one I didn't even know I had) come true! 

a love story in france...

a love story in france...

A couple of years ago I had the pleasure to capturing a beautiful wedding deep in the french countryside. Andrew and Erica met 12 years ago whilst at university. I know them from when we worked towards our masters in Architecture a few years back. The bond between them is clear as day to anyone who knows them, Erica's calm waters compliments Andrew's playful fire so beautifully. They're one of those couples that give everyone hope.

paradise romance...

paradise romance...

The day was cold and bright when Lydia, India, and I made our way to the location where we would spend the day. I'd seen it in pictures but the reality took my breath away; A fairy home tucked away in a city. Lydia found it through magic of her own keen spirit. She always seems to find the most beautiful spaces. Madeleine, the owner of the home, greeted us at the door with hugs and a bright energy. I knew immediately we were going to be great friends from our previous communication and from her warm energy that presented itself that morning.

storyteller workshop part ii - the final images!

storyteller workshop part ii - the final images!

It's been exactly 4 weeks since Pratik Naik and I got together and hosted our Storyteller Workshop in London. In my last post I shared behind the scenes photos, the format of the workshop and my experiences of the day that I hosted. It's my pleasure now to share with you guys the finished images from everyone who attended! It's so interesting to see how each person has interpreted the same scene in their own styles.

storyteller workshop

storyteller workshop

On the 14th and 15th of March, Pratik Naik, from Solstice Retouch, and I organised a two day workshop in London! We decided to split the days and allow room to focus on our individual strengths. I would have a day to create and share my knowledge and Pratik would have his to lead people through an intensive one day retouching seminar.